I always wince when my kid has to throw out plastic – even if it’s as small as a disposable flosser. So I was happy to see an alternative, with ECO-flossers from Clean Idea™.
Clean Idea™ products are manufactured with starch-based resins that utilize crops like corn, wheat, tapioca, and potatoes. According to the Clean Idea website, this makes them “biodegradable and compostable, meeting BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) standards for compostability (ASTM 6400 D99 and ASTM 6868), and European Bioplastics standards (EN 13432).”
Further, the website says, “…in order to achieve “compostable” certification, a plastic product must decompose within 60 to 180 days in a commercial compost facility. Unlike materials designated as biodegradable, those certified as compostable are designed to compost quickly without releasing any toxic residues.”
Even the paper package was a nice change from plastic.
Personally, I use floss from a big roll wrapped around my fingers, but my 10-year old doesn’t quite have the technique yet. These ‘pre-loaded’ flossers really help him get the job done and provide a good portable alternative as well.
So it’s a small green thing. But it makes me smile.
June 21st, 2010