May 25th, 2009

London Drugs adds yet another bright recycling service – Fluorescent bulbs.

Compact Fluorescent bulbs (CFL’s) have become instantly recognizable as a symbol of the mainstream green movement. Yet after they have spent their long lives helping reduce your electricity usage, they are not easy to dispose of properly. CFL’s contain mercury, which is a very toxic element, so they need to be properly recycled.
Starting May 11, 2009, a new initiative is being offered at London Drugs in which the public can bring back Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs and 4-foot Fluorescent Light (FL) Tubes for safe, responsible recycling.
This is incredibly important, because it makes recycling these products as easy as buying them. Which is a huge step forward in helping busy people live a little greener.
Simply wrap your old bulbs carefully in a plastic bag (a box is even better) and drop them off at the Customer Service Counter, or preferably at the Receiving Department, of your local London Drugs store. It’s that easy. So what happens to the bulbs once they leave the store?
London Drugs has partnered with PROECO Corporation, a company that has been responsibly recycling fluorescent bulbs (and exceeding regulatory requirements) for over 10 years. Once safely packaged and transported to PROECO, fluorescent lamp tubes are inserted into a self-contained lamp crushing unit. Any emissions are controlled by a ‘High Efficiency Particle Air’ (HEPA) and carbon filtration system. The components are then separated and the residuals are sent for recycling. Mercury contaminated residuals are sent for recovery.
It’s very important to ensure mercury contamination stays out of our landfills, so please bring your old bulbs back and help support this valuable program. You may even want to pick up a few replacements in the lighting department while you’re there.
For more information, visit your local London Drugs lighting department

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