As you may know, London Drugs has been working hard to reduce their internal waste through innovative recycling programs (and a lot of hard work) for a number of years now. What you may not realize is that they are exceeding their targets and still planning to do more.
“Last year we recycled 45,800 kilograms of plastic, 4.2 million kilograms of cardboard, 330,000 lbs of shredded paper, and 1,808 kilograms of used rechargeable batteries and cell phones,” Says Clint Mahlman, Senior Vice President Operations, Distribution and E-Commerce. “Plus one semi-trailer truckload per week is filled with Styrofoam to be recycled.”
The original goal was to reduce solid waste by 30%. In the end they reduced solid waste by 42.39%. For 2009, Mahlman has set the goal 30% higher than that. But all that effort has not gone unnoticed.
The Recycling Council of B.C. has recognized London Drugs for its achievement and recycler Orbis has awarded the chain a certificate of merit for environmental responsibility. (And of course, credit is also due to customers bringing back their packaging from London Drugs purchases instead of just throwing it out)
Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if we all set our personal recycling goals as high?
March 31st, 2009