One bamboo writing instrument may not seem like a big green deal, but consider this: According to the EPA, Americans throw away 1.6 billion disposable pens every year. (Yes, BILLION!) That’s a lot of waste to write off. So if you want to make a green difference you can see and touch every day, consider your school and office supplies.
Write with recycled pride. Onyx + Green offers pens and mechanical pencils made from from bamboo. recycled aluminum, recycled PET plastic (the kind from recycled drink bottles) and even recycled carton material.
Cut into waste with biodegradable scissors. Corn-based plastic handles and metal blades mean that these scissors won’t be around for hundreds of years in the landfill when you are done with them.
Go treeless for your notes. These Onyx + Green notepads are made from…. stone. That’s right, crushed stone is bound into smooth, white, water-resistant sheets that consume nary a single twig.
Contain it all with natural materials. Our modern fabrics contain a lot of plastic. But these styling pencil cases are 90% natural and biodegradable (made with a ramie leaf / jute plant blend fabric)
Less packaging is more better. OK, bad grammar. But by using simple paperboard designs (no bubble plastic!) and soy based inks, Onyx+Green has made it easy to keep packaging waste to a minimum. And that’s worth writing about.
The local connection. The products are made in China, but designed in Canada, and importantly, produced by a Canadian-headquartered company (Onyx+Green is a division of Onyx+Blue, a Quebec-based company) so you are supporting Canadian jobs and profits, while still getting affordable products.
If you want to add a sustainable reminder to your everyday school and office routine, take a look at the Onyx+ Green product line. It’s the write Green Deal for Back-to-School. (Sorry, that pun probably gets an F)