Just before Earth Day 2012 we got a very nice note in our mailbox from Hon. Terry Lake, BC Minister of Environment. He made special note of London Drugs’ achievements in recycling and our Green Deal programs, including Styrofoam recycling with
Bring Back the Pack. In part, he said:“I want to congratulate London Drugs and its employees on these achievements. The steps you have taken divert huge amounts of waste from landfills and promote environmentally friendly business practices… it is inspiring to see companies like yours taking positive steps to become leaders in sustainability.”Thank you Minister Lake, we remember you taking the time to go for a ride in the
London Drugs StyroCycle in 2011. A little recognition and appreciation certainly goes a long way. We’re going to print your letter and hang it in a tasteful
Winfield plantation wood frame with recycled wood backing.
But we think you left out an important piece of the puzzle. We would also like to recognize the efforts of our London Drugs customers in our journey towards greater sustainability. It takes a community to make a real difference.
So we share this letter with you, Green Deal readers.
Happy Earth day, and keep up the good green work!

Hon Terry Lake with London Drugs COO Clint Mahlman and the StyroCycle, Victoria, April 19, 2011.
Photo: Lorne Craig