Last holiday season, Canada Post delivered a record 62 million parcels. (1) That’s a lot of cardboard, over-wrap, bubble wrap and Styrofoam that should be kept out of our landfills. Packaging Recycling Amnesty 2019 is London Drugs’ way of helping people responsibly recycle their recyclable packaging, by letting them simply bring it to one of our stores.
London Drugs customers can already get their packaging recycled for free. Now we’re offering Package Recycling Amnesty to all.
London Drugs has been offering free ‘Bring Back the Pack’ packaging recycling services for London Drugs purchases since 2008. Now, for Package Recycling Amnesty 2019 we are pleased to extend this service, taking back recyclable packaging customers bring in no matter what the origin.

It’s easy. Just gather up your recyclable packaging and bring it to your local London Drugs.
Many locations have a recycling centre right near the front of the store. For stores without a centre, or if you’re just not sure what goes where, just talk to customer service and they’ll help you take care of it.
What types of recyclable packaging can you bring in?
According to some studies, packaging makes up about 30% of household waste. (2) But you might be surprised how much of that can now be responsibly recycled and diverted from landfills, including:.
• Cardboard
• Hard Plastics
• Soft Plastics
• Styrofoam
• Plastic Over-Wrap

In BC stores, you can also bring in Other Flexible Packaging (3)
Through a pilot program with RecycleBC we are accepting a wide variety of flexible plastics including:
• Stand up and Zipper Lock Pouches
• Crinkly Wrappers and Bags, (Including chip bags, bar and candy wrappers)
• Flexible Packaging with Plastic Seal
• Woven Net and Plastic Bags
• Non-Food Protective Packaging
These materials are being used to research the development of new recycling processes and generate engineered fuel.
Sorry, there are some things we can’t accept…
We want to help our customers and families, so we cannot take commercial loads – household packaging only. And store managers may have to refuse some recycling based on material, condition or space available. We hope you understand, and we will do our best to help.
You can recycle a lot more than packaging at your local London Drugs.
We believe we have a responsibility to the communities we serve, and helping reduce waste is a big part of that. So we offer in-store recycling for all of the items listed below:

• Electrical and Electronic goods (TVs, VCRs, computers, printers etc)
• Small Appliances
• Styrofoam, plastic and cardboard packaging from our products
• Cell phones, PDAs and rechargeable batteries
• Alkaline Batteries
• Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s) and fluorescent lights up to 4-ft
• Disposable cameras
• Ink jet cartridges
• Laser cartridges
• Metal film canisters
• Plastic bags
• Insurance plastic folders
So if you want a clean start to 2019, start at your local London Drugs.
(1) https://www.canadapost.ca/assets/pdf/aboutus/financialreports/2017_ar_complete_en.pdf
(2) https://www.livescience.com/50581-packaging-no-longer-the-nightmare-some-claim.html